Friday, February 1, 2008

A Late Night

Late nights can be amazing. Tonight my late night is just tired. It's gotten to the point where making a complete sentence in my brain is an abnormality. That being said, I fully intend to end this blog in three completed incomplete sentences.

I have discovered that an aforementioned (in another blog) accentricity of relationships, namely the two girl one guy thing, has a weird affect on the male of the company. In saying this I relate to both work experience and hanging out last night with WM-Star and Fwidipan. Though I enjoy myeslf with them and I can bear work with equanimity (I'm not sure that's a word and at this point I don't care), I can't help but notice in these situations how dreadfully easy it is for the male to become uninvolved with any and all conversations.

I told you, three sentences, that's it.


Annie said...

Working late nights is no fun! Me on thursday, you last night. It's sad really!

Elia said...

You are never without conversation unless you choose to be, punk.