Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Slighting Influences

At the beginning of this blog, the conception stage, I admit to having feelings that, while not comparable in their intensity nor in the actual benefit of the suffering, may be likened unto a woman giving birth. Woah! I can here the loud feminine reproach coming swifter than an eagle carried on the winds of a hurricane, and wish to stem the tide. I have, of course, made a slight allusion to the process of conceiving as being similar to the feelings experienced tonight as I sit and think on how to make merely the second instalment in my ambiguously historically marking blogathon. Only the second instalment, and I must already confess to vague wishes for it to be over.

You must understand, the very fact that you are reading this today, tonight, this evening, whenever and however you may be reading it, is an example of what I wish to discuss. Do you know of the heartening affect that a little cooked dough (also known as home made bread) and a collection of overly churned milk (also known as butter) can have the soul of a man? With the simple introduction of a very basic snack, nothing more than flour, water, a little yeast, sugar, cream, and a few other preservatives that are the only thing making it so my hair does not jettison itself fully from my head, I find myself in completely different spirits than I was not half an hour ago. It's amazing what an affect something that weighs so little can have on a being.

Not that I mean to infer that little people should by consequence be expected of little influence. Rather, it is a surprise to me the influence that little things (and little people) have on the world. I am not so big as to warrant the adjective, and so I can understand both the large and small variety, belonging to neither and therefore possessing a lack of bias for one side or another, (is it possible to posses a lack?), I am in a position to state with equanimity "Small or large, short or tall, all have an influence!"

Consider for a moment the profound influence of three small mice. Though they be blind, they have captured the hearts of many through first fairy tale and now ogre tale. A small species, one would not expect that such a being would have much of an impact on anyone. Not only are the three blind members of that race famous, but that species is also responsible for carrying Cinderella safely to the castle. Without those mice she would've never arrived, and therefore never had the pleasure of associating herself with the magnificent Prince Charming, of whom we have heard so very much about. A mouse. Well, a couple of mice. What an impact!

Large people have an impact as well. For instance, in that classic "The Princess Bride," Fesic, (if that is how you spell his name) is none other than a loving giant, though not all gentle. Without his pivotal role, one can see quite clearly that the movie would've never reached it's climatic and happy ending. He was vital for the recovery of Indigo, the breaching of the gates, the finding of four white horses (I will one day learn why a white horse is necessary for marital bliss. I mean, Cinderella had them as well), and supplying the means for a miracle. Or mostly a miracle. Yes, my friends, big things have an impact.

My point, in all that I am saying, is that I have a large list of influences. I can honestly say that few are as moving or potent as the influences of love. I have said before how that is true, and so I will only touch on it now. Loneliness, giddiness, euphoria, listlessness, and good old fashioned joy (and, being honest, depression) can trace their roots back to love. The subtle variations in relationships, in my relationships to make it personal, are a source of constant movement, a constant influencing over my thoughts and actions.

The degree of validity of that statement is despicable to me. I know myself capable of great goodness, but also of great shallowness, all because of my ability to be influenced.

Not that influence is a bad thing. The Spirit influences us every day, in every thing that we do, and without it I would be a lost man long ago. A slight feeling that someone needs a hug, a smile, a listening friend influence us to action. A strain of music can touch our souls and move us to great eloquence, or even bestir anger and resentment. A hamburger may cause heartburn, a salad hunger, a word from others may invoke joy or regret; an empty house an empty heart, a good movie feelings of satisfaction; a moving quote may influence to deeper thought.

We are an affected people. I think we choose our influences. Thus said, what do you choose to influence you? A blond hair, a brown eye? A quick wit, or unfailing optimism? What influences you? I can say what influences me, but that would reveal far too much of my own soul, and even my blog is not privy to that.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Sound great! It is andreauhrey@hotmail.com. What about yours?