Monday, August 18, 2008

Not Sure

"Where are the clowns?"

I've decided that there are many things that may be counted on in life. The fact that I will be more serious when I'm physically exhausted is one of them. That I will be more spry and basically overly euphoric when I am physically brimming with energy is another. Yet another thing that I can count on in life is that my mother will continue to love me, that my father will continue to be there when I need it (and consequently kick my rear when needed), that friends will always be important to me, and that little children will always, always make me smile.

The problem is that there are things of which I am in a constant state of not counting on, or in other words that I am unsure of. For instance, I am unsure as to where the stinking clowns really are, though as Sondheim seemed to know, I'm begining to suspect that they may be closer than I could have expected or wanted. I'm unsure as to what I want to do with myself career wise, I'm unsure as to the whether tomorrow, and I most definately do not know if the apple I'm going to eat after writing this is going to be as scrumptious as the last one I ate.

It's odd that those things of which I am unsure could cause more commotion in me then the things of which I am sure. For instance, I know that if I go on a date, I will have a good time. Past experience has proven this to be the case almost exclusively, so I spend a sinfully small amount of time actually premeditating a date. This comes with a dependant clause, though (I'm thinking of opening it up with a 'because'), because if I should be very attracted to the girl, all bets are off.

I would explain, but that would give a large part of the "me mystery" away, so I will not be explaining, and you may draw all of your own conclusions. I suggest using a pencil.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of pencils, a wise mouse once said "I think so, Brain, but how are we going to make pencils that taste like bacon? Or maybe we should make bacon that tastes like pencils." So, not only are pencils good for drawing conclusions but also for making great one liners. As for choosing what you want to do in life, a very smart guy (not the same one as previous) told me that I should choose something that will really challenge me. I figure that if life isn't challenging then you will never find out what your full potential is. For example, if you happen to go to a foreign speaking mission and then come home and major in that language, where is the challenge in that? But, if you majored in that language in order to become an ambassador and translator to the UN, then that would be cool, but just to end up teaching a language, to me, that is not as exciting.
So, What are you passionate about?

Katie said...

By any chance, was that apple you ate green? I'm ever so curious . . .

And anyway, I'm probably not the person to be giving advice on what to do, except that I'd say to do something that you love.

(Not that my advice in any way negates the advice above--you can love things that challenge you)

But really, don't head into doing any particular thing with your life just because you think it will be lucrative. From what I've seen, the people who have done what they've done with their eyes solely toward monetary success have ended up with that. And not much more.

Good song, by the way. Although decidedly sad. And I think Sondheim had it right: the clowns are already here . . .