Friday, November 30, 2007

The Question

To whomever may read this:

I was posed a question a while ago by a friend of mine who (even though some of you will know who it is) I will refer to as Fwidhipn (please refer to the blog titled "thanks" for explanation of the acronym) because I really don't have a cool pseudo name for her yet. The question came in retort to a question that has become a popular one for me. My question to her was "why is it that girls date jerks?" to which she wittily (and maybe testily) replied "why do guys date brainless girls?"


So, in the spirit of wanting to answer both questions I issue a challenge to all readers. I would like to hear a plausible argument for both sides, but I'm particularly interested in the answer of why girls date jerks. I would prefer that if such an argument be written, that it be written from a girl's perspective. I for my part am going to try to answer the question posed me. However, this is just a sampler, because I'm not going to actually discuss it here. I am, however, declaring my intent.

If you decide to actually respond to this challenge/favor/whatever, the options of delivery are:
a) Post a comment on my blog
b) deliver the answer in person to my person (that would be me)
c) e-mail it too me. No, this is not a desperate attempt on my part to get emails, but rather a wish to hear more sides to the argument than what I've heard all ready.

I hope that someone does respond. Otherwise I might not have anything to build up on or answer in my blog. It's becoming awfully one sided here.


Janell R. Cropper said...

Hi Dave, I'm Kate's friend, Janell. I actually met you like 3 years ago, and then heard you at her farewell. You sang wonderfully, by the way.
My answer to the question, "Why do girls date jerks?":
When boys are teenagers, there are few who actually see the beautiful and talented girls for who they are. Sometimes you'll have wonderful girls, who will only date the jerks, because the jerks happen to be the only ones who pay attention to them. They feel that is the only attention they are worth receiving. It is, however, attention, which they take like bait. It's a sad sad story.

Janel said...

Well, my friend, I agree with 2L Janell up there. But there are plenty of girls who are beautiful and talented who don't date jerks, so that's not the only factor.

I think the difference between the jerk-dating girls and the jerk-avoiding girls is how they see themselves. If a girl knows who she truly is, she's not going to date a jerk because she'll know that she's better than that. She doesn't need that in her life.

There's probably more to it than that, but that's the best I've got. I'm interested to hear what your opinion on why guys date brainless girls.

Scobberlotch said...

I second Janell on that. Sometimes jerks are the only ones who will pay a girl attention. Sometimes girls spend a long time liking nice guys who never bother to do anything about it. And the questions tend to go together - the nice girls date the jerk boys because the nice guys are too busy dating the whores.

Sometimes girls stay with the guys they're with (jerks or not) because the nice guys who come along are too wussy to put up a fight for them. Girls need brave guys to fight for themselves so they have enough courage to fight for themselves.

Janel said...

That's supposed to say what your opinion is on why guys date brainless girls. Sorry, brain stopped working there for a minute.

Scobberlotch said...

Follow-up on my typo too: I meant to say Girls need brave guys to fight for THEM so they have enough courage to fight for themselves.

Scobberlotch said...

Call me sometime when you have time. My email won't let me send. I've tried writing you three emails today, so we will have to resort to phones. :)

Kate Felt, MA. MFT said...

This conversation is getting lame. Will you pleas enlighten us on why boys date brainless girls? Or why even men date brainless girls?
And when you do that will you also explain
Why the sky is blue?
Why girls get way more dates right before there mission?
Why any one would ever eat sardines in a can?
Why there is a hole in the Ozone layer?
Why the game of hide-and-go-seek is fun at any age ?
And will you pleas relate all this to the subject of dating.

Ok thank you and good night

Elia said...

Jerks are hot.

Anonymous said...

I think that sometimes guys date ditzy girls because it is less stress. It is less stress to carry on pointless conversations and it's less intimidating as a whole. As then usually girls who aren't so academically inclined focus more on appearance making them more attractive.
I had a friend once that said he dated those types of girls because he wanted to have fun growing up and they were pretty. And he said that when he got serious about marriage, then he would go ahead and date the more sensible type.
AS for girls dating jerks I am a little lost on why they do that too.