Sunday, May 18, 2008


It seems that when one wants especially to jot down all the jumbled up thoughts and observations that moment is precisely when those thoughts refuse to organize themselves into anything resembling coherency (which may or may not be a word, but for the present circumstances will be allowed past any and all detectors of falseness, seeing as this is, as you will see, nothing more than a schematic of my thoughts and often I think false things). Having said that, I say now, what a wonderful thing (which I have recently been told is a completely guy adjective, no pun intended for those who have seen "That Thing You Do.") it is to once again be joining the blogging world in trying to make sense out of the insanity that is my life inside my brain, which I assure you is much less organized than my bedroom, which my mother insists on referring to as the climatic chaos of an otherwise well developed habitat. Okay, maybe she doesn't say that on a regular basis, or at all for that matter, but it sounded fun in my head, so why not put it here?

This is, after all, an attempt on my part to get rid of a serious case of writer's block that I've had for almost a month now. Thoughts of how much I write about dating and relationships (which, coincidentally, take up a rather appalling amount of my thought time) and my complete lack of material, or the exact opposite of over abundance of writing material, have kept me in the dark as to what I should write about. Once again, in an allusion to the mad mad world that is my life, I told my mother that I feel the need to go on a date, but that I'm at a loss as to where to start. To which my mother wisely responded "well, you might try starting with calling someone and asking them out."

Word well spoken. Perhaps, I thought, those words would be a great motto for anything. It becomes a strange thought to do so when thinking "I really feel the need to go to heaven." I doubt that asking out heaven would really be the ticket, though a slight play on the words, and taking it more of in a symbolic sense than in an actual literal sense, might be exactly what one is needing.

The point of the rambling that has gotten me to this point is, of course, to say that the way I have chosen to get over my writer's block is to simply write. And write I am, (that is not correct but I don't care!), writing whatever random thoughts cross my mind! I'm hoping that what ends up recorded here will be both thought provoking and nonsensical, seeing as that is the type of writing that I find most enjoyable.

I think I'll start (or continue, as the case may more accurately be described) with an observation that came late last night, after I had finished being sick. See, I was sick for a long time, and spent, quite literally, the entire day in bed yesterday. In my delirium, though, I pondered over reactions that some girls had to a show, "The Holiday" I believe it was called, and comparing those reactions to other reactions from the feminine gender. I'd like to say right now, though, that the movie portrayed some pretty screwy philosophies. One of which was that physical displays of affection are cheap things that can be bartered about with reckless abandon and will not have any affect at all on what happens to the true love of people. I say true love because I mean the actual thing that joins two people together for more than just the duration of hormones. It's kind of weird, really, but different physical displays, hugs, kisses and, yes, the three letter 's' word that is so taboo in my culture (or at least in my head) that I will not actually write it here. Though, if movies are any indication I can spell it out, as long as I don't say it, and be a-okay! That's an odd thought, when you consider that I'm writing this.

Anyway, my point was about the reactions (I told you I would write this as it came to my mind! It's you're own fault if you didn't believe me). I've discovered a fool proof way to be attractive. Seriously! I've discovered something absolutely amazing. It seems that I was incorrect in my assessment of the character of Mr. Darcy, and why he's so attractive to otherwise logical women, as well as my overall assessment of the attractiveness of each and every one of Ms. Austen's male characters. What makes a man attractive (are you ready for this), are the three 'B's. British, Bounteous, and Beautiful. Yes, I thought of that while I was delirious, and yes, it made me laugh.

I realise that some people will disagree with me. They have obviously never been in a room predominated with females, all very vocal about their varying states of attraction toward male actors. Yes, indeed, after much thought, I have come to this fool proof conclusion. If you are British (the most important part of this being that you have a British accent, because it gives off the air that you know what you're talking about and you sound oh so sophisticated, which as Tolkien Boy, and English major, informs me, is actually a fact, that British accents make people sound more intelligent, even though they just may not be) which is unfortunately something that can only be given through birth but, in a pinch, just living in England until you have a believable accent will do, you're doing well. Now, if you're a rich British (that would be bounteous), then you're doing extremely well, and chances are you will be meeting someone important to you within the weekend.

All of these may be trumped, though, if you don't happen to be beautiful. I've found that small discrepancies on this account are forgivable, if you have the other two 'B's, but if you don't have one of the other two 'B's and are sadly lacking in this particular acronym, you're bound for trouble. Oh, the sad and sorry state that is life.

Actually, that brings up another thought. Are men thought cowards if they don't kiss a girl? Thanks to Disney and other related companies, the type of importance that is connected with a kiss ought to make the first kiss something of a ceremony, special and important. So, the question comes, when a guy is hesitant about kissing someone, does that make him a coward, or just wise to not go around sharing something that special with every girl he finds physically attractive? I've heard that emotional attraction can only grow with time, and that physical attraction is the only thing we have to go off right at first, and so I just have to wonder, if someone guards their lips, does that make them weak, or does it just mean that it's important to them?

Maybe it just means that they don't have very much experience kissing and so they put a whole lot of thought into the whole thing.


I discovered something amazing. The reason that Nintendo games aren't really that satisfying is because you can't talk about them with your friends, really. I mean, if you talk with them about loads of yard work, and how beautiful your yard looks now, the things you've done, and about the sexy new tan you have (I'm borrowing someone else's words at this point, I'm sure) then you have something that other people will listen to. But if you start talking about "game high points" and "records," most people don't really find that all that interesting, and it's actually pretty hard to talk about.

Not that playing Nintendo is a bad thing. I love it, especially when I really don't want to think about anything at all. Then Nintendo is great, because I don't have to think. Maybe it's due to the fact that it's basically a computer that generates information based on a set amount of rules and those rules must be followed throughout the game and are relatively finite in number. That would mean that our impressive brains lock onto the "code" or set rules extremely quickly, and then they go on computer mode, where they basically produce what is required at the correct moment. Our minds become little more than computers. And computers don't think. Which means, at that moment, we don't think.

Look out, Plato, here I come.

Well, I think that about kills my writer's block. Or at least I hope so. I hope that you enjoyed my ramblings. They may not have been as rambling as I'd hoped, but, hey, nothing organizes like seeing the chaos written down.


Annie said...

Thy mind floweth over. Is it bad that this blog made me laugh? Let's see...what to say? I agree about the movie. Personally, I don't care if I ever see it again. As for the 3 B's. Yes, I admit, having an accent is appealing and being attractive is a major bonus. As for bounteous, money isn't everything. Also, if the accent has nothing to back it up...the attraction is gone. Unless the girl is shallow, then that's a different story all together. I admit, Jude Law is a very attractive man, but his morals make him lose that my eyes anyway.

Now for the kissing. I think waiting makes it special. Why give something to people if it means nothing (or little) to you? I think it shows strength when a person doesn't give in to the stereotypical world view and hand out kisses like fruit snacks.

Anonymous said...


Heather~Marie said...

Your many comments made me chuckle. Thanks for the insights on the 3 B's. Who knew there could be some many uses for the letter 'B'? Anyways...I actually have to disagree with you on those comments. I see the British accent to be a sign of snobery and high-mindedness. The reason Mr. Darcy is so attractive (at least to me) is his character. Even after Elisabeth was insanely rude to him and turned him down, he still loved her. He saw the worst in her and served her without her even noticing it (at least...until she was told about it). Looks are most definately important (would you marry someone you don't enjoy looking at? I think not!). But, the other too aren't a necessity. Anyways. That's my 2 cents on that.
Oh...and about kissing. If it is a sacred thing to you, it shouldn't be handed out freely. It should be kept sacred. But, if kisses are like a rite of passage in life for you (like they are for a friend of mine-which-when he told me, in his own words..."sometimes you just gotta snog someone"...I lost a lot of respect for him at that moment), then by all means...go for it.
The End.

Anonymous said...

Looks are so socially overrated. Yes, it is important for you to enjoy looking at someone, but if the first impression is the one set in stone then your life will be a graveyard of everyone you have buried before you even got to know them. Maybe that is one reason why I am hesitant to put my life on the line, is because I don't want to be shot down and buried six feet under with a rock stuck over my head only to be forgotton over the ages as more and more super models walk all over me. To me, movies are all 2-D. You can't reach in and find out who the person really is, who they were, and what their potential is of the amazing superhero they could become. I also believe that it is not wise to wait by the phone forever waiting for the call that could change your life forever. For, as the sands of time are continually flowing, if you don't move along with them you will beome buried beneath them. You have to reach out to others, be strong, and lift them up so that they in turn may also lift others up. You are never on top until you can be there with someone else. But even then, it is still an uphill climb. Someone grand once said that it isn't the destination, it's the journey. Such as in video games, it isn't saving the princess at the end, it is the journey and the enlightenment each time you escape or defeat a demon or navagate your way across a bridge. Once you save the princess, what happens after that, you put down the control and go make yourself a sandwich, and what after that? I guess eat it. Sorry for the long comment, I should probably get my own blog so I can ramble on too. As for kissing, I think the wet slobbery ones on the cheek from a cute nephew or a small puppy can't be compared to much else.

Major Bubbles said...

Mithlond, I think you bring up some very valid points. I must ask though, do you really think it is only society that puts so much emphasis on good looks? I think that you'll find that any society, throughout known history (including the Bible) had some reference to attractiveness/beauty. It seems inherant in humans that we can both see and appreciate beauty, some more readily than others. Perhaps, then, it is nature that places too much emphasis on beauty, and we must learn to control that nature.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I was meaning more of the media beauty that many people try to compare themselves and others to. Super models and movie stars with money and makeup and marshmallows and other things that begin with the letter m, like men. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think that not only means what you look like but also who you really are. I think that beauty and attraction are kind of like one of those 7 layer dips, everyone likes a little bit different combination of the layers and the way they eat it. Beauty is a complex subject with many facets and many points of view, so the dictionary points out. So as far as my opinion goes, no one is really wrong it is just their point of view and trying to get other people to see things the same way. I try to be open minded to different opinions so that I can build on my own. To me beauty is a difficult subject because I have had a hard time getting guys to ask me out and I have been blaming it on the idea that maybe it is because I am not beautiful enough for a guy to look twice. Although, I know that isn't true because I have had many people tell me that I am beautiful. So, go figure, I guess guys brains are more complicated and work on a level a little deeper than "Hot girl" (with their tongue hanging out). I have two amazing brothers and they will never cease to amaze me with some of the hairbrained things they come up with.