Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Yellow Beginning!

It's an interesting thing, really, starting a blog. From the mass made templates that absolutely must match our very unique style of writing, personality, and form of being, to the puzzling problem of coming up with an identity clever enough to make others laugh and not be redundant, I've found it a trying event. Add to that the slow speed of my parent's computer, and you have stress in an easy made, just add water kit. Speaking of which, I would like a drink. . .

Of course, to start out, I must describe why Yellow Lives would be my choice of hang out point. Tolkien Boy, the inspiration of my blogging indescretions, often remarks that I am the image of a yellow character. I'm afraid that my writing has the tendancy of betraying that annoying perk of personality, thus making any and all of my writing reflect some sort of yellow character. Of course, I realise that this will be annoying in the utmost to some people, and so I warn you that this blog, if you are determined to be a fan, will be full of yellow lives.

Really, though, life as a yellow isn't quite as easy as it may seem. First off, there's the reputation that you must live up to. Do you know how hard it is to be chipper when you find that, after all of your expectations, your goldfish is not a long-liver? Mostly because I can't think of anyway that a thing that looks more like a submerged reptile could ever be passed off as a removable part of the human body. Perhaps I should apologize in advance for horrible humor. After all, this Major Bubbles is recently returned from Mexico as a missionary, and as such my humor is suffering.

But I digress. Really, though, it's so frustrating when everyone says how happy of a person I am, because I feel the obligation to truly be happy. It's annoying, to say the least, that I'm not even allowed to be properly miffed about small things. Mushy cerealy, crummy coworkers, the stress of being single, and over all, the fact that my friends have this tendancy of growing up and leaving me here to my yellowness. It's not easy, being yellow.

Wallowing in self pity aside, I'm glad to finally be starting something I can look at once and awhile. I admit a little fear, after all, I've never been so public as to publish my personal feelings on things over the internet. All of you intrigue lovers, here it is, Major Bubbles has been born, and in the full glow and splendor of the internet!

So, welcome. and in a true yellow beginning, I love you all!

Ugh, how very yellow.


Tolkien Boy said...

So, are you going to write more?

Kate Felt, MA. MFT said...

and this is why we are friends

Kate Felt, MA. MFT said...

Ok now that I have really finished that I just want to say that you have to know that if you are truly and agent unto your self than you have the option of being “miffed about soggy cereal” but my real question is why in the world would you spend the time being mad about that? I just want to know why?
Thanks you are cool have a good day