Sunday, June 5, 2011

Quick Thing

So, I've decided that Facebook is missing something. An app that suddenly dawned on me. And because this blog is about Facebook, and because I don't much care for Facebook, actually, this is going to be a short blog. Because I've realized a power Facebook could give me.


Woah, that's right, hold on to your socks, because the power of that statement might just shift them a little. Or maybe I'm just trying to get you to stretch. Either way, can you see the power of that statement? No? Oh. Well, then. Never mind.

In all seriousness, though. Well, okay, maybe I'm running at about eighty percent right now. Which would not be enough serious power to avoid a Klingon. But, it would be enough to say that I no longer have to wait to be introduced to the people that my friends know. I'm going to start stalking them before I've even heard of them! Woo! Power to the people! And by people I mean stalkers! Yeah!

It is pretty cool that I can see who my friends know, though. Of course, Facebook friendships are so shallow, it's entirely possible that my friends' friends are only Facebook friends with benefits, you know, that give you sweet deals in farmville and the like. And that is the only benefit of a Facebook friend I could come up with.

I told you it would be quick.