Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm Alive!

There are a number of things that constantly remind me that I exist. I understand that the great philosopher Descartes would say that the fact that I can think well enough to present this blog is an example of my being. Inner beauty or putressence aside, though, there exists many outside experiences that for me are a constant reminder of my being alive. It's great to be reminded your alive, and it's even better if the experience is a pleasant one. For example, a really good hug can remind me how very alive I am. Dancing has the same sort of affect, and I admit that dancing is a more enjoyable reminder of my existence. If you see me being euphoric, most likely I've just danced with or been hugged by a beautiful girl. Does saying that make me shallow? I don't believe so, but you never know now a-days.

Temperature is a great reminder of being. I can imagine no other experience quite so exhilarating as early in the morning waking up, going to the bathroom, and having to come to grips about your life on a freezing toilet. There is nothing that will ensure your being sure of your own existence like an early morning meeting with a cold toilet seat. Trust me, I know. Actually, it has that affect no matter what time of the day. I always know that I'm living after those types of encounters.

Another signature of life is the feeling right after a particular challenging workout. That feeling where you can't do anything without every muscle in your body screaming in pain, wanting to commit suicide in a million different ways. Cremation being one of them. That feeling is exhilarating, and when I have it there is no philosophical doubt in my mind that my body really does exist. I know that I'm alive. It's comforting to know that.

What is it that makes you know that you're alive? There are other things that I've heard that I don't completely agree with. I heard once that a bleeding, broken heart is a good way of knowing that you're alive, but I'm not sure if I agree with that. The feeling of deadness (complete relaxation) in arms and legs right before you fall asleep lets me know that I'm alive, as does certain types of music.

I love life! I'm so glad that I know that I exist, and that I really am alive.


Annie said...

I loved this blog. You are absolutely right. A good hug makes me feel like I'm alive too, especially when it's from an attractive guy! Dancing makes me feel all floaty, like walking on sunshine. I love it! Music often has the same effect.

Janel said...

I'm glad you're alive. I know I'm alive right now, but it's mainly due to the splitting pain on the right side of my head. Oh joy. :)