Sunday, February 10, 2008

Closing Remarks

And so it is that another chapter of Yellow Lives draws to a close.

Today is the final day of the two week blogathon. Thanks to all of you who participated, and I hoped that you enjoyed writing as much as I enjoyed reading. Though this be a short blog, I promised that I would state the reason as to why I announced a blogathon in the first place.

Simply put, there is an anniversary on the horizon. I wished to find a significant way to celebrate that anniversary, and also to provide self satisfaction and pleasure to myself and maybe to others. That's right, I was selfish. But, I wanted to celebrate.

Because Valentines Day is Yellow Lives six month anniversary!

Yay to all who participated! You have celebrated in the freedom of speech and writing! Remember that there is such freedom, though it comes at a cost. I'd like to thank all of those who have participated (Thanks Annie and Janel), and wish you all a happy blog day!


Janel said...

Well, thank you for thinking it up in the first place! It's been a pleasure, despite the slackingness of my writing the past two days.

Annie said...

I also enjoyed this blogathon. Thanks for the celebration!

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