The geeks are out to get us. I say this with all seriousness, but no generalization whatsoever. If you are a geek and are not out to get us, then I suggest you join forces with us in a case of self preservation. Because if you don't, the tide will come rushing over us, and we will be unable to stop it's flow.
I was walking from class to class the other day, something that for me is not an all together uncommon occurrence, when I saw what should have been an unusual site, but what is in reality an all too common site. I saw two people (a guy and a girl to make matters worse) walking together, and one was on his cell phone, while the other (the girl) was walking with her head slightly tilted down, a ponderous look on her face. I thought nothing of it at the moment, but as I walked I suddenly realised that I had just witnessed the affect of a very subtle and clever act of mass destruction. The destruction of human connection. That's right, the geeks are out to destroy the connection between man and man.
It might seem odd that I say this. I mean, supposedly cell phones, pagers, i phones, and the like are all in place to make sure that we are all connected. If you take this into consideration with a comment made on the blog "The sin of Smiling" it suddenly becomes obvious that the sudden influx of technology and connecting gadgets are making us less and less connected with men, and more and more connected with sound bites. Or is it bytes? Either way, I think it's something interesting to note that as we get more connected, we have fewer people skills.
I love geeks, though. Not that I'm all for this disconnect the human race by connecting them bid for world destruction, but I think they're wonderful people. I'm sure that some people would define me as a geek, really. And I'm all right with that.
The point, I guess, that I'd like to make, is that the connection doesn't always help. My friends think that I'm crazy, because I don't have a cell phone. Actually, that's only one of various reasons of why they think I'm crazy, but really it's just my effort to save this crazy world from becoming unconnected. I love you people and I don't mind not being on my cell phone, just so I can say hi on my way to class. But, then again, I'd probably be grinning sheepishly at you whether I was on the phone or not, so take it for what it's worth.
Long live geeks and unattached technology!!!
this blog is so ture that it hurts me.
i think many of todays social problems are attributed to the instant gratification lives that we all live.
ok i am a geek
thanks have a great day :)
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