Sunday, April 20, 2008


Having something that reports to you about the viewing of your blog is an amazing thing. I have discovered that, shocking though it may sound, I have more people who visit my site on or directly after the day in which I post something new! Like flies drawn to a light, guys to a beautiful girl, or girls to a life-loving man, there is a dramatic increase in how many people actually look at my site after I post something. It behooves me to post more often, then. That being said, let us on with this blog.

College is a befuddling and interesting experience. Befuddling because it establishes a pattern, a set way of doing things, and then it puts kinks all over that pattern, like someone who crochets and intentionally puts a few weird angles or odd colors, just to give the feeling of chaos. Weaving in and out of every day's repetitive journey are strands of beauty that may be anywhere from blatantly obvious to divinely subtle, and are easy to miss if one doesn't pay attention. There may be a smile from a nearly unobserved but beautiful person. Perhaps, as one walks along a bird will sing a strain that resonates deep though it be but a simple tune. Every once and awhile, a thread reveals itself as being both long, beautiful, and masterfully woven into the very fabric of life, as a great creator puts on the touches to a tapestry of grace and wonder.

I'm normally not a particularly passionate person. There are few subjects that really create any sort of true emotion, the type that causes me to wish for better things (in the subject in particular) or that evoke the kind of actions that are normally accompanied by deep feeling. Among the few is this country in which (for the most of the people who read this) we live. The United States of America. Ever since I returned from Mexico, I've been so grateful to live here. This, my friends, is a land where opportunity is common commodity, and where anyone, with drive and ability, can become anything. I never felt that as strongly as when I had just recently returned to America. I do not know if this same opportunity exists everywhere, but I know it exists here. I love this country, and am grateful to have been put here.

Recently, there was a show done by the Ogden LDS institute entitled "This is a Great Country." I was blessed with the chance to be one of the hosts for that show. Normally I don't mention specific details about anything that I do, because I enjoy thinking that some of the people who read this have no idea who I am, but I will make an exception this time. I enjoy acting, and that really was the idea I had in mind when I auditioned for the part. Of course I was excited that I got the part, and have enjoyed it.

There is something that I didn't realise until the show was actually going on, though. Something beautiful. Patriotic shows are uncommon for the Ogden LDS institute. I understand that they only happen every decade or so. It is not very likely, then, that I should be part of a patriotic show, and less likely that I should be a host. As I thought about that, I realised that I had been placed in a particular place and time, just to bless me. There was a thread, going back to before I left on my mission, that had woven nearly unnoticed through a couple of years in my life. There truly is a master weaver, and I'm grateful for that particular thread in my life.

Perhaps most of the time I don't find threads that are that long or that graceful. However, I find threads that make my life beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I dont truly know what you talking about right here. This cant be the only way to think about this can it? It appears like you understand a lot, so why not explore it more? Make it more accessible to everyone else who might not agree with you? Youd get a lot more individuals behind this should you just stopped making common statements.

Major Bubbles said...

Dear anonymous person who most likely will never actually read what I'm going to type;

I have to say that I don't really understand what you're asking me. The only thing you could agree or not agree to is whether or not there is a God, that being the basic argument that I'm making. Coincidences that last for long periods of time (or are joined from long distances apart) are a little too coincidental to be neglected as evidence (not hard scientific eividence, granted) of a major plan, and therefore a major Planner (God). That's all I'm saying, really.